
Really good acting, especially 11/12 year old Raffey Cassidy’s (Athena) who manages to be both convincingly robotic and also human enough to be empathized with.
Hugh Laurie as David Nix, a main villain (evil or not)? It has a young girl as a heroine who is not all sexed out or tough or dull eyed and boring. Britt Robertson as Casey Newton, the curious girl who found an unusual pin and then showed it to Frank, George Clooney (a former boy genius).
Honestly, just sit back, let down your critical barriers and enjoy the magic of cinema.
This movie is about the future and how to save our planet. This movie will not appeal to negative people. If you consider yourself a positive person, a dreamer, or a visionary… go see this film and be inspired. Seriously, if everyone could take to heart the message of this film, we could very well change the world.