The Accountant

This film connected with me on so many levels. It delivered in ways I was not expecting. I was laughing, cheering, crying, and ultimately walked out of that theater feeling more than satisfied. I’ll be the first to admit I have no idea how autism really affects people and how accurate it is or is not portrayed in this movie; I saw this movie as nothing more than what it is: a fictional story to entertain.
Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a brilliant accountant at the same time, due to his autism: He has a savant’s grasp of facts and numbers (think Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man) but a serious deficiency in the affective and communicative categories. All the acting is exceptional. Anna Kendrick, J.K.Simmons, Jon Bernthal, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lithgow and Jean Smart. What a lineup – go watch them hit it out of the park!