Eddie the Eagle

We all have a dream… or have had a dream at some point. You may not have achieved your dream (yet), but I’m sure you remember what it is, even if you’re not currently pursuing it. You may have been stopped or been hindered from seeing your dream come true because people told you it wasn’t realistic or refused to support you when you needed them to. Or maybe you chose to give up on that dream because you decided yourself that it wasn’t practical or because you came to believe that you were too old, too busy, too poor, too… “whatever” to dream anymore. If any of this sounds familiar, then “Eddie the Eagle” just might be your kind of movie. And if ALL of this sounds familiar, you need to drop everything and go see this movie immediately – before it’s too late!
I only hope you have a mother as sweet and supportive as Jo Hartley. Now go and jump off that 90 meter mountain!