Hunger Games – Catching Fire


No Go, if you did not Go to the first one.

Robin Hood, Green Arrow, Katniss Everdeen; who is your favorite archer? Jennifer Lawrence does an excellent job as Katniss.

You have to love Stanley Tucci as Caeser Flickerman and Lenny Kravitz as the dress designer Cinna. The dresses are fantastic especially the second one. I don’t understand Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks) but I have known women like her. She really knows how to wear her war paint. Mags (Lynn Cohen) is a true heroine. Donald Sutherland (President Snow) is this really Hawkeye Pierce? Incredible! I have to mention Philip Seymour Hoffman and Woody Harrleson, this movie has lots of stars. Do we really have to wait another year for the next installment?

I am totally channeling my inner feminist 13 year old girl. Why do these young adult books translate so well into movies? You do need to see them in order. There is so much that is not explained from the first movie.